Planning your next road trip? Don't forget to pack some healthy road trip snacks. You’ve filled your backpack, downloaded your favorite podcasts, and packed your jumbo inflatable flamingo float — you know, the necessities. The only thing left is the food. Our super handy list of healthy road trip snacks can make your job a little easier. Here are some of our favorite on-the-go healthy foods, no matter where you’re road-tripping.
Healthy Road Trip Snacks
1. Trail Mix & Nuts
When you put together a playlist, you know just how important it is to get the right mix. The same goes for your trail mix. Look for mixes without a bunch of fillers (like dried peas, cereals, candies, yogurt-covered raisins) and instead stick to fruit-, seed-, and nut-based options. Even better? Get a big bag of mixed nuts from Trader Joe’s, and throw in a handful of Crispy Green’s banana, mango, or pineapple chips for a hint of no-sugar-added sweetness.
2. Jerky/Meat Bars
Want to know what you should really pack on a road trip to keep the hangriness at bay? Meat. More specifically, grass-fed beef jerky. Country Archer’s Mango Habanero Jerky or Teriyaki Jerky pack a wallop of protein and flavor to keep you full and happy … because that 12-hour drive is going to get really awkward if you have to do the “I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry” speech.
3. Fresh Fruit & Veggies
Yes, you can bring fresh, wholesome foods on a trip with minimal effort. Fill mason jars, snack containers, or reusable bags with baby carrots, celery sticks, sliced apples, grapes, and bananas. For longer distances, stash your fresh fruits and vegetables in a cooler. Keep individual nut butter packs, like the RX Nut Butter or Thrive Market’s crunchy pb pouches, on hand to eat with your fruit and healthy dips and hummus to up the delicious factor of your veggies.
4. Cheese
Cheese always has a spot on our list of favorite road trip snacks. Choose from softer cheeses, like the BelGioioso mozzarella and fontina snacking cheese portions, or throw some string cheese sticks into your cooler. While less soft options like gruyere don’t always require refrigeration, just be sure that whatever cheese you choose isn’t left in the hot car. You’ll thank us for that tip later.
5. Chips
Think low-carb options and keto snacks to satisfy those salty, crunchy cravings. We love homemade kale chips roasted in the oven with a little sea salt and sesame oil. For store-bought options, choose seaweed chips like gimMe Roasted Seaweed Snacks or mushroom chips (they’re delicious, we promise!). For keto food on the go, cheese crisps like Whisps make the perfect convenient snack.
6. Water
Hydration is pretty important (except when you’re miles away from a rest stop and need to go ASAP), but skip the plastic water bottles and opt for an insulated stainless steel Kleen Kanteen that actually keeps your water cold and your ice icy. If you’re bored with plain old water, mix it up from time to time with a fruity sparkling water like La Croix or bubly.
Our Road Trip Food Tips
Make better choices
When you stop at that gas station or rest area, skip the Twix and the Spree. Go for whole foods (that won’t make you feel crappy after you eat them) like apples, bananas, or oranges. Also look for keto snacks like almonds, string cheese, or pork rinds made with healthy oils.
Chill with a cooler
Bring a cooler and replenish it with ice along the way so you can keep more food varieties in the car. Store your perishable road trip snacks like water, cheese, fruits, and dips inside.
Eat frequently
Grab a snack every few hours to keep the hunger — and the boredom — at bay; that’ll give your body a constant stream of energy, too.